Workshops Registration

Pro Soul Studios – Digital Music Production Program 

Overview Instructors Registration Part 2-Advanced

There are 3 ways to Register: 

  • In Person: Contact Us or call to arrange time and location
  • By Phone: 10-84702586 , or: 18610816924
  • Online, using the form below:

    Name (required)

    Email (required)

    Phone Number

    WeChat or QQ ID

    Workshops you are interested in:

    Music Experience Level:

    Your Availability:

    Weekday AfternoonsWeekday EveningsWeekends

    What model of laptop computer do you have and how much RAM?

    How did you hear about the program?

    Website/Weibo if you have one:

    Comments, Music Style Interest:

    Already submitted the form? Click Here to pay and complete your registration.

    Need help registering? Email Pro Soul with your full contact information to register, or add us on WeChat: prosoulmusic

    Pro Soul We Chat QR code








